Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Exam 2 Questions and Review

Calasso book pages you need to know:
Page 209-212 : Deals with the four stories that make up the quaternity (personality profile; myers briggs test which has to do with feeling, sensation, intuition and
Stories of zeus – thinking (everything up)
Stories of Athena – sensation (everything out) related to polis (politics/city)
Dionysus – feeling (down function, everything that is not thinking or not sensation or intuition, pure unadultered feeling, incubus (demon possesses a males body and impregnates a woman’s body) chthonic – of or pertaining to the underworld. Disassemble your social identity to get you in touch with feeling
Demeter – intuition (In function)
Page 209 chapter 7 : Persephone being abducted by hades; narcissus flower (narcissist – obsessed with themselves)
-          Calls her by kore (maiden)
-          Triple goddess : mother, daughter and the crone

Page 225-226 chapter 8: story of Athena, how Athena came to be
Page 244: half has to do with mysteries of Eleusis, why the Greeks respect Eleusis more than anything else
Page 336: “how would you define Homeric theology?”
-          What we call Homeric theology is…supremacy of the visible
-          Religion is that which we see; Greek
-          When you can no longer see you  have nothing (daylight and light)
-          Iphigenai asks to look at the light one more time
Page 359 chapter 11: comes from the odyssey; Zeus has prepared a woeful destiny for us so that in the future we may be sung about by the bards..”why do we suffer?”
-          This is the work of the God’s  - they brought about the ruin of …. So that we may celebrate them later
Page 383-391 chapter 12: Definition of mythology: precedent behind every action
-          Invasion of the mind and body
-          What Cadmus gave to Greece; necklace which passes from hand to hand causing disaster
-          What conclusions can we draw – page 387
-          A life in which the God’s are not invited isn’t worth living…inviting them causes disaster(387)
-          Why do we talk about Cadmus? Founder of the city of thiebes
-          Greatest disaster was fly’s feet (gifts of the mind, vowels and consonants; the alphabet)

Great Pan’s Dead
WB Yeats : The Second Coming
The Eleusinian material
The Tarboleum (rites and rituals)
Dionysian material from the bachae

1.       What does spiritus mundi mean? (multiple choice) : spirit of the world/earth
2.       At the marriage of Cadmus and harmony who was drawing the chariot (two animals)? Boar and the lion
3.       What country are the Nacirema tribe from? American’s
4.       Which of the three things important to the Eleusinian mysteries was the origin of theater? The things seen, said or done…It was Done (dromenon: things done)
5.       What is the study of the soul? Psychology – word psychology isn’t the study of the mind
6.       Who at birth, was her beauty only appreciated by her father (had two faces, four eyes and horns that sprouted from her face, page 204)? Persephone
7.       What is the origin of our legal or judicial system? The Athena story – where by she acquits Orestes for killing his mother, STORY OF ORESTES is at the origin of our judicial system
8.       What is the term where women take over the night where they have free reign over the men; no retaliation from men? Tote toge (day of the dead)
9.       What is the animal that is associated with the taurobolium? The bull
10.   What makes something sacred? If you truly believe something is…”made sacred, doesn’t come that way” , make them sacred through ritual
11.   According to your instructor who is the real hero? Yourself, we are all heroic, not just people in stories
12.   James Joyce’s novel … which talks about an ordinary person going about an ordinary day is modeled by what Greek story (Greek name of the hero)? Odysseus
13.   According to the Irish poet, WB Yeats, from the second coming…history is composed of two thousand year cycles; which comes from the visitation of a _____ who impregnates a _____? Bird , Woman
14.   What is the Greek image for soul? Butterfly
15.   Zeus ate a goddess named____? Metis (goddess meaning wisdom)
16.   Which word best typifies a space carved out in which sacred rituals are carried out? Temenos
17.   Who is the God of the double door and what does it mean? Dionysus, born twice (born of a mother and a father; mother’s womb and fathers thigh)
-          Dithyramb(os):
18.   What was said to end the pagan world and initiate the religious age? Great pan is Dead
19.   What is the fundamental difference between the God and the hero? Mortality; God’s don’t die
20.    When do the furies arrive? Kill your mother **(blood murder, don’t kill people in your blood line)
21.   What is the religious significance of Cupid and Psyche according to your instructor? The psychological development of the feminine
22.   Which one of the rituals came up no less than four times during the telling of our rituals? Australian rain making ritual
23.   What is the name of the girl that the king threw a sandal at? Charila
24.   What Greek play shows the clash between tradition and the state; religious rituals? Antigone
-          Play in which young woman buries her brother even though its forbidden by the state, punishment by death
25.   From what term do we get our word senator? Senex
26.   How would you define an archetype? An ancient or primordial image which is found universally in mythology, fairy tale and fantasy
27.   Which Eleusinian mystery pertains to fertility during a certain month? Maypole **(Phallic symbolism)
28.   22 points of the hero formula? **Hero pattern
-          Who covers most of these more than anyone else? Oedipus, covers almost 21/22
29.   In this class, which Christian ritual did we discuss that had to deal with death and rebirth? Baptism
30.   Why was Demeter putting a baby in the fire? To make him immortal
31.   If you have someone in your family who is a daddy’s girl, whose classical archetype is she modeling? Athena