Thursday, December 8, 2011

Vocab we should know after this class

One thing that came up while going back over all these notes I've taken thus far this term was the sure amount of words we have gone over. There have been quite a few, so I thought that I would include that in my blog because it had significance to me...

Ontalogy: Being that which is
Ze-eus: was the god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods
Jupiter: Sky God
Homeric Hymn:
Fairy Tales: Deteriorated version of mythology
Fin : The end
Funeral : The ceremonies honoring a dead person
Separation : The action or state of moving or being moved apart: "the separation of parents and children"
Sparagmos - dismemberment (dionysian ritual)
Omophagia - the eating of the raw flesh of the one dismembered
Sacrafice - to make sacred
Sybil : Also known as an oracle
GAM - marriage, birth
Abduction : The action or an instance of forcibly taking a person or persons away against their will
Metamorphisis : is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching
Dromenon : Drama
Baptism : Death come back to life
Deus Ex Machina - God out of the machine
Ritual - is a set of actions performed mainly for their symbolic value; typically religious or tradition
Myth and ritual - two components of religion practice
Effigy - representation of someone hated...voodoo doll
Maypole - sacred trees, representation
Phallic Symbolism -
Mythology : Precedent behind every action, (in short)
Chthonic - of or related to the underworld
The furies - Erinyes; the avengers
archetype : the original pattern or model for which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; first form or prototype
Senex : wise old man; roman comedies as the impitent old man
Metis : Metis : of the titan generation, first great spouse of Zeus (mother of Athena, also known ads the goddess of wisdom)
Peitho : goddess who personifies persuasion and seduction
Temenos : a piece of land cut off and assigned as an official domain
Temenos 2 : a piece of land marked off from common uses and dedicated
Kore : of or referring to the greek goddess persephone; moon
Kenosis - emptying out
Plerosis - fullness/fulfilling
Tote Tage - Upside down day (everyone in charge is no longer in charge)
Eleusinian mysteries - failure of nerve...
Failure of nerve: you dont trust to live in this world, you are trying to get to the next world because of the sufferings
Kykeon : Ancient greek drink made of mainly barleyh, and water and other naturally occurring substances
Pytho - persuasion (becomes wise and has a child because its a girl)
lucricious - on the nature of things
Metempsychosis - transmigration of the soul, especially reincarnation after death
Eschatology - grounds/preconditions/proper use of thinking and the creative ordering of realityu
Socrates - all of life is a preparation for death
fisce - to make
in illo tempore : in the beginning
quotidian - of or relating to reality/ the every day

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